Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Missing opportunities for India

It was a matter of relief that the US has reaffirmed its commitments to India in the recently concluded strategic dialogue. ( 6/8/10)
It also indirectly hinted support for India as and when the UN security council is expanded. Relief indeed !
Yes, it is well known fact that India has the willingness and potential to act in a bigger world stage.
But to do that with courage, acceptability and moral fortitude , we need to bring peace in our neighborhood.
India can't attempt to take up issues of third countries or solve their issues when we can't solve our own issues.
A case in point is the recent assertions by Turkey while concluding a deal along with Brazil for Iran.
Forget the final outcome of such deal, but Turkey and Brazil showed the world that issues can be addressed without the
presence of the so called world powers. These two countries , especially Turkey settled almost all its outstanding issues in the
recent past - Cyprus, Armenia etc and thus got itself 'liberated' from the uncertainties of neighborhood and gained acceptability.
If India wish to play in the world stage , we need to get liberated from our Pakistan and China centered world.
All our energy and creativity are being consumed here and we miss many an opportunity to be a world leader.
Therefore, I hope the govt initiates steps to resolve all our issues in the neighborhood and let the country take
its due place in the galaxy of nations. This strategic dialogue may be a right step but we need more in our neighborhood.
Now Obama has put Kashmir resolution as a pre condition for UNSC seat. We may object, but that is the reality. (28/9/10)
Thank you.

Two sides of the same Coin

The 'Fringe ' elements in Indian right wing and the so called 'Rouge elements or Non state actors' in Pakistan form the two sides of this coin.
Both are aided and protected by their main sponsors ( we all know who they are ) to do things which they can't do openly.
Both guide them and direct them for their ill motives while openly blaming them and expressing inability to control them !
The only difference being the Indian fringe is focussed within India to divide the country and Pak rouge is focussed outside , read India !
This shadow boxing is the main game that is happening in this subcontinent.
Who will bell these idiots?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Being Rahul ..... Rahul Gandhi

" PM post is not the only job in the world" Rahul Gandhi Sept 14, 2010.
He is more like a mother's son rather than a father's son.
Father accepted PM post at the first opportunity ( trying circumstances, agree) and mother declined it many a times.
Son seems to follow mother ............
Mother has gained both power and respect by renunciation.
Rahul is proving that right.
He may never accept the PM post, but will surely take control of the party - the other job he likes to take up !
That will be good for him and Congress party.
To be the ruler with out ruling is a rare privilege !