Monday, June 6, 2011

Baba Ramdev - Saffron Karmakar in Yogic Posture !

We have heard of wolves roaming around as lambs.
Current world offers Saffron Karmakar in Yogic postures!
Ramdav' s Yoga and the cause he publically supports resonates with people , hence the support.
But if he is a true Yogi, then his latest actions and methods have nothing to do with a Yogi. Calm , Shanti , stability in thought and action are the fundamental position of a Yogi, can we find any of the above with Ramdev now? Publicity hungry Yogi has no intention to solve the issues but keep it burning to be in the lime light , but that's dark now. Gandhiji also led many satyagrahas, but he never ran or disguised himself in ladies clothes when the British came to arrest him. If one is sure and convinced about one's cause, why worry and run? A yogi should know that truth will prevail. Thus this is classic pseudo Yogi, to borrow a BJP phase popularized by them ! I fear that we are also headed the Pak way where the mullas have highjacked politicians and we see whats happening there. Some of our Yogis, Sanyanis are no much different from those mullas !

When Ramdev was teaching or propagating Yoga, people follow him for what he knows.
When he enters other areas of public life - politics, administration, governance etc , naturally he needs out side help. The tragedy is that the so called advisers surrounding him are people with fraudulent past and with vested interests. They have managed to highjack him to further their cause - which is at odds with the overall public interest.

Mr Santhosh Hegde should formally join BJP , that party needs him and he can be more useful to nation that way than his current position. He is the chief investigation judge in Karnataka and we all know what he has been able to do against public looting by the govt. He himself has admitted that he continues at the current position at the pleasure of Mr. Advani. So pl go ahead and join BJP. We all welcome that.

Bankrupt Janata Party ( BJP) found a cause on which they can ride - and that too back seat driving ; pitiable.Govindacharya is helping Advani to regain lost ground in BJP by propelling Ramdev. The current Ramdev drama is actually a play out of BJP's internal struggle for power!
More Pitiable is that the central govt has also fallen for this - they seems to have realised it finally but too late. Where was their intelligence ? On that count one has to admit that the gove is not functioning. They hope to drive a wedge between the Hazares and Ramdevs- failed miserably !

We have issues with corruption. But an elected govt with all its deficiencies is still an elected govt. Civil society need to learn to work with govt of the day. There can't be any extra constitutional bodies to govern or decide matters of national importance. In the name of democracy , we can't allow peopleto divide us on religious lines. No one can be allowed to act 'holier than thou' nor create public nuisance.

Govt has to do some explaining for their heavy handedness, but then what if a govt can't execute its will !