Friday, October 7, 2011

Pains of an 'Image Make Over'

( written almost 10 days bk, published today - network !)
Believe it or not, its more difficult than recasting the die !
Its true in the case of commercial brands and even more true in the case of Politics.
Ask Mr Narendra Modi, CM of the state of Gujarat.
He has been trying hard for some time to have a more liberal Image - an image of a
good politician and if possible of a Statesman to be more acceptable to Indians at large.
Like any good brand, he has a good customer base which has voted him back to power repeatedly.
But, some itch inside makes him think that he has to play in a bigger stage.
For that the current brand identity is no good. So Fasting, pleading, reccos from US, Indian business tycoons etc.
Yes, as an iron fist administrator , he has delivered. Although its debatable if the calm and quietness in the state is
due to fear or genuine good will amongst people. But who ever has even thought of challenging him has not
been very successful !
But the party he represents has a different view of the matter, publically all are in praise.
In BJP his fate is almost like - ' He has no enemies, but none of his friends like him'
The remote controllers from Nagpur wants him at Delhi chair, but the Delhi walls wants him at
Gandhidham only to send 35 MPs to Delhi.
So, what options has Mr Modi got, continue to wait and suffer, I do not think so.
He may float a party of his own. Like Yaddi of Karnataka, he too claims that "I brought BJP to power in the state"
If he really believes that position, he has nothing to gain from BJP, its rather BJP who needs him.

So may think that people will vote from him even if he is in GJP ( Gujarat Janata Party) and reach Delhi with 35 seats
and bargain with strength.
But, he can't cut off his blood line with RSS, that is an issue which he need to resolve if above play is to be staged.
Its really a boiling pot .................. lets see what spills out !

i Tune, i Phone, i Pad, iCon, iGone ; i Sad !

The Newton of Apple is no more, RIP.
Unlike the apples of Adam and Newton, this one has been touched and felt by millions.
No other death has caused so much pain across the globe, he was dear to an 8 yr old as he is to 80 yr old.
White, Black or Coloured, Religion, race had no control on his fan following.
Am sure the notorious Taliban must also be mourning this loss.
What has formal education got to do with success and creativity? very little for genius
like him ! Its a pity that all genius are called early from this mortal world by Him.
I am sure, I won't be needed up above any time soon; though I wish to be in heaven !
Steve - we will miss you dearly.
I can't even imagine, what the world would have got had he continued for another 5- 10 yrs- selfish thought..........
Dearly loved and respected & humble enough to laugh off his talents as that of a crack nerd!
Now back to him - you have to go for the fresh to flower and blossom.
Steve , you have not hindered it even for a minute ! RIP
Hungry for more from him and foolish to hope ........................