Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Britain, Oh Britain………….. Grow up !

I read with interest and real amusement the current debate and noise being made in Great Britain with respect to India’s decision to buy French Rafale for Indian air force. ( Hasan Surror article in The Hindu on last OP ED) Behavior and comments are very unlike the English we know. Just goes to show the level of desperation that has crept into British politics and even to general public. Clear case of being bad losers!

I get a feeling that, the decibel levels are so high mainly because French won rather than Britain lost. Had the winner being US manufacturer, I doubt if the noise would have been so high and feverish. They are scared to accuse French of any wrong doing, so the frustration is taken out on India. Silly indeed!

The main argument is that India has been ‘ingratitude’ after receiving so much British aid. Come on Britian, your true colours are being exposed. If that is the case, what is the real motive of your aid, help the country in whichever way you can or morally bind us to take decisions which is favoring your interest? No way, the Child India is no more the infant you left in the middle of last century, its an adult which will take decisions on its free will. In any case, India has not been asking or requesting aid, in fact our Finance minister has already said, we do not need any British aid any more. Thank you !
In last few years, when India has been pitching for an expanded security council at UN, France has come forward and endorsed India’s case. I do not think, UK has been very committal. David Cammoron has made the right noise in the last visit, but has not been willing to go the whole way. French president Sarkosy has been more forthcoming whether its Kashmir , UN security council or Nuclear deal.
All is not lost for UK. But for UK to expect India to behave only a particular manner irrespective of the merits of the case is childish and under estimating the maturity India has gained. Lets work asequal partners and please shed colonial mind set aleast in this 21 st century .

Tony Augustine