Saturday, October 24, 2015

The SC judgement on NJAC

The Union Finance Minister, Mr Arun Jaitly , like any other citizen,  has a  right to air his views on the  recent Supreme Court judgement  . But his  comment ‘ tyranny of the unelected’  is  very much unbecoming of a politician of his stature   and the  constitutional position he holds . Does his comment  mean that people  should be acceptable to the ‘tyranny of the elected’ ? He conveniently forgot that he  himself was not directly elected by people!

The issue before the nation is  the independence, impartiality and competence of the judges at  high positions. The  judiciary and the judgement itself, has acknowledged the limitations of the current collegium system.  It needs reforms. A  ‘self correction’  was the  ideal solution. In the absence of that foresight , the parliament got involved. The  aim is to correct and perfect  a system, not that   the parliament or politicians to have a say  in the  appointment of the judges.  The  way  the politicians  are  reacting   gives an impression of ‘having lost an opportunity’ to control another important organ of the  state.That exactly is  one of the  apprehensions the judgement highlighted.

System  needs  a correction, one attempt was made. Its   short comings  are pointed out. The  judgement itself  commits to have a relook at the current system.  So  I feel, we need to be a bit more patient  , let the judiciary come  with its  solution  which  basically comes  down to transparency and accountability: "Reform that you may preserve"!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Syria, the new Afganistan of 1980s in the making.

( This may be read along with my blog of Jan 31, 2011: Potential solutions are the feared more than current problems )

President Putin's ability to out-manure the US and its western allies is becoming legendary. ( Russia begins to bomb targets in Syria, The Hindu , Oct 1, 2015) The former KGB spymaster is brining all his skills to his foreign policy.He has managed to open a new front in Syria making the West to 'forget' his deeds in Ukraine, though President Obama made some reference to it at the UN! 

Russia's latest involvement in Syria is aimed at getting a military base at the door step of Europe; to make good for the loss of eastern European satellites. In the guise of controlling the IS terrorists , Russia will be bombing the other Syrian rebels who are aligned with West but are opposed to President Assad. Russia will not be 'wasting' its military might on IS , which in any case are being Bombed by West. The West taking on IS and Russia taking on the other Assad rebels is the best that can happen for President Assad. If Assad manages to survive this , he will be 'obliged to invite ' Russia to have a permanent military base in Syria. This will be a major irritant to western world and NATO. 

Moreover, this will complicate the already challenging  fault lines in the Arab world - the Sunni Shia divide. The US and allies will be backing the Sunni Monarchies and Russia will be backing the Shia regimes of Syria, Iran and now Iraq. The new 'intelligence sharing axis' among this Russian backers is a precursor to the emerging scenario. 
If this happens, we can expect an Afghanistan of 1980s again in Syria. Who says history don't repeat.