Thursday, August 5, 2010

Fight on Outsourcing - Outdated !

President Obama does not want any more American jobs to be 'Bangalored'
Good intention and as president of America, he as a right and obligation to take care of Americans.
In a recent speech ( Aug 4/5), he has vowed to protect all jobs originating from 'clear energy efforts'.
He has offered tax sops to companies who created jobs in America and I feel that will get
challenged in WTO. Lets see.

To my mind, its a vicious cycle originating from a conflict of interest between a consumer and the provider.
As a consumer, he / she should get best value for her money , Dollar.
As President , I feel Obama has an obligation to ensure that too.
In a globalised world, An American consumer is unlikely to get best value for the dollar
if the good or service is provided by an American. But the president wants the provider
to be American.
Even this American when he goes to shop will buy an item which is manufactured outside
as that gives better value for his Dollar. Tax sops can bridge the value gap a bit, that is all.
So where is the end to this cycle.
I feel , Most of Americans have got into a habit of ' living beyond their means'.
That need to change and lot of things will fall in place once that happens.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Kashmir - The Lost Paradise:

Currently ( Aug 4, 2010) Kashmir is in a mess, to say the least.
I think most of the Kashmiris are thinking in the same frame of mind as most of the Indians
thought of British rule of our land in 1930s,40s.. They are almost moving to civil disobedience - where even ' shoot at sight' orders are being challenged.
Each town is turning out to be a Jalianwallabagh !
The body has internal bleeding and blood is coming out thro' the mouth.
Keeping or forcing the mouth shut do not stop the bleeding !
How long can one live with an 'unwilling ' wife under the same roof?
I may sound unpatriotic to some. I am not ( pl don't issue a certificate!) and that is why I write this .