Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Kashmir - The Lost Paradise:

Currently ( Aug 4, 2010) Kashmir is in a mess, to say the least.
I think most of the Kashmiris are thinking in the same frame of mind as most of the Indians
thought of British rule of our land in 1930s,40s.. They are almost moving to civil disobedience - where even ' shoot at sight' orders are being challenged.
Each town is turning out to be a Jalianwallabagh !
The body has internal bleeding and blood is coming out thro' the mouth.
Keeping or forcing the mouth shut do not stop the bleeding !
How long can one live with an 'unwilling ' wife under the same roof?
I may sound unpatriotic to some. I am not ( pl don't issue a certificate!) and that is why I write this .

1 comment:

  1. destroy the cancerous cells, and save the organ. To cut off the organ is simple, a good doctor will try his best to save the organ rather than opting for that last remedy. Let the Govt of India do a patient doctor's job. as long as there is evil in man, blood shed and killing of innocents is part of story...
