Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The New symbol of Indian Rupee

Finally, we have one , that itself is an achievement.
Its worthy to note that it managed to represent both Indianness and
western notion of st lines by which most of the currencies are represented.

Once we have it in keyboards , it will be rather easy to use.
( exactly the reason why am unable to show it here!)

But I have an issue, pl try to write ( draw?) the symbol on a piece of paper with your pen.
That is how most of the Indians are going to use this symbol.
To me its a bit difficult now ( I may get used to it and improve my skills)

To write a dollar or euro symbol, it happens in just two stokes of pen-
one curve and a st line. But the Indian Ruppe makes you do atleast 3 stokes ( one curve and 2 st lines) and still its not very close to what it actually is.

Imagine the extra time and effort of so many people for so many years to come ?

I wonder if the decision makers have thought about it at all. I wish to believe that they did!