Friday, July 2, 2010

The question of Kasab

The question of Kasab - the surviving terrorist from 26/11 Mumbai.
Yes, we all know the verdict from the court , but is that the best decision?
A decision to uphold law, justice to victims, counter future terrorism and finally, up hold the image and reputation of India - an
India which offered non violence as a powerful 'weapon' to the world.
Does killing Kasab upholds law? may be yes , the current law. But is that law is perfect? No.
Does killing Kasab brings justice to victims ? not at all to my mind.
Deoes killing Kasab helps us to counter future terror strikes - no
Deoes killing Kasab up holds the Image of India - no
If reality is so, why kill him?
Can he be an instrument to achieve all those objectives? yes only if we spare him from death.
I feel Kasab is an opportunity which India should grab to alter almost everything for a better tomorrow.
Am not advocating that he be left free. punish him ,
but do not kill him. He can deliver better alive than dead.

India will be justified across thee world to kill him after the judicial process. No one will utter a word against.
But then, that is what every country does to such people , so whats different?
We need to demonstrate ' non - violence' in its true spirit to one of the most violent. That will be different and that will alter equations
- of course not immediately, but surely over a period of time.
Kasab be awarded life term - for 14 years , whole life ( we need to amend law, so be it).
Since every guilty has a future, Kasab will also have. If he reforms and repents his past, which I feel can happen,
then he can be an asset which can be useful in many ways. He has a chance to be best ' qualified' person to
speak against terrorism, win hearts and minds of misguided people and what human spirit can really achieve.
If ( big if, I agree) he reaches this level, I wish that India confers citizenship to him.
Unthinkable now, I agree; but who knows the future so well to rule it out.
India as a nation will have to spend a lot of money on Kasab's jail, security and other potential violence.
But I feel that will be small price to pay for truly demonstrating to world what ' non violence' means and what Indian ethos stands for.
I hope some will think over it.


  1. Well its better to hang him or else we will have another kandahar type hijack....

  2. not to worry.. what you have suggested will happen anyway.. by the time the mercy petition reaches the president and goes back and forth a few times, he would have died a natural death.. same as life imprisonment...

  3. Brilliant idea, I totally agree. Good start to your blog, Tony.

  4. the aim of punishement can not always be equated to justice. If you take 100 rupees from me, the court can get it me back. But if you take my life, the punishement the court gives is not to equalise of what happened. No court can give me back life, but Here punishment is basically aimed to protect the citizens from further harm. So when the court says life long imprisonment it means that this person is very dangerous...and should never be left out freely. Capital punishment is the last means of self protection of the state. when the state is sure that a person may be dangerous, and the state has no enugh means to protect the life of citizens, then he must be given the capital punishment. But in India today, we have good police, courts, jails and the govt should make sure that Kasab harms no one more. But if the state can not make sure that, then hang him. Then hanging, the state is not killing,that is , state is not taking life of an innocent person, but inorder to protect the life of citizens its a mode of self defence against a criminal.

  5. Its all over, the state power has taken its toll onone more life, no regret on justice done or law followed. is that the best humans can do to another human? RIP
