Monday, November 8, 2010

Jai Ho .......... India at UNSC !

The Might of the Singh, Yes, Yes am referring to our PM Dr Manmohan Singh.
I think more than any other person , PM is the biggest winner - winner for India , from President Obama's visit.
His comments in that joint press conference, both on Pakistan and Outsourcing - the two main issues-
were outstanding and he put his stamp of authority and firmness directly to the person who matters most
on these issues.
I really doubt if Advani would have done it so forcefully and gracefully. Will Advani still call him 'weak'?
For once, pl accept that Dr. MN is a Sardar ! Another Sardar ( Harbajan Singh) saved India at Ahmedbad!
The UNSC endorsement by US has not happened all on a sudden - the seeds were sawed by Dr. MN
when the liberalization started under Mr Narasimha Rao. If we credit MN for it, he credits Rao for it.
I doubt if India has fully recognized the services of Mr Rao to this nation.
So, its the economic might of India which helped us to gain this UNSC endorsement from US.
Its was started by MN and now MN has played the political cards well for a support for UNSC and membership
at NSG. Well done , MN.
We should credit Congress party an its chief for giving MN a free hand to drive India.
Jai Ho ........ India.

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