Friday, September 11, 2015

Technolgy to make Cows out of Cars !

Cars are going to be like Cows -  everyone gets milk, no one owns a cow! 

We all need/ use milk daily with out owning the cow; that is likely to be fate of cars in the neat future ! 

Every one, more and more of world population , will need transportation and that too personalised - that will be available , in fact it is already there. If that personalised service is going to be more convenient and cheaper than owning an equipment ( read cars) then people will naturally opt for it. 
That is what exactly all the App based players like Uber/ Ola etc have done making use of the rapid progress of technology. 'Access and Convenience'   are the key operating  words for the future and that is what the younger generation is getting hooked onto. 

This is already happening in many areas, books, movies etc. going forward this is likely to spread to all assets which undergo Depreciation and faster changes -  like cars and  slowly into housing  etc for economic reasons. The way regulations and tax rules etc are structured will augment this shift further to service providers. The challenges of parking and maintenance are other factors driving this shift.  

The real surprise is that the service providers - say Uber - don't own any cars. The idea  and technology are getting merged -  a different version of 'crowd sourcing' as we see happening with Wikipedia etc ( which 15 year old has heard about Encyclopaedia Brittanica? ) The pace and scalability of technological advance is something the brick and mortar world is  finding difficult to match up to..... That is what we see with opposition to an application like Uber across the world. 

Therefore, the first causality of the emerging trend is likely to be  the second/ third car in the family. But the status symbol associated with cars is unlikely to go away any time soon; in fact that may get augmented further. So, people will own cars as  as they own a very high end camera or music system, more as 'trophies' rather than a basic transportation  equipment. 'The Car' may move from Parking lot to Living room over a period of time .......

This kind of a shift will have far reaching implications to the way the auto Industry is structured across the world. The design, features,  advertising, selling process including financing will all change or need to change . The only relief is that it may take 6/8 years .... But the direction is clear. 

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