Friday, January 1, 2016

How FB has done a Tata Nano with Free Basics in India !

How  FB   has done  a  Tata  Nano   with   Free  Basics  in India !

I can understand that Jesus Christ died for us  out of love for humanity   but that was  a  different time and  purpose.But can't  get  why on earth should  a commercial entity like  FB  has to spend  so much  money to advertise ( full page ads for many days in many papers) to offer me  and you some thing  free?  Is  Mark the new Jesus?  Mark is at the best   a disciple – now  a disciple of  market valuations !   What else is App? Or  Why this   Good intention not spreading to China?

The  full page ads which came out in India   to  announce  free  basics  are truly out of the  western/ America narrative of India.  The poor and un/ under educated country  India – this  is  showcased in full page ads with a few unsuspecting  faces.  The underlying aim is  to  influence the opinion being sought by TRAI  on net neutrality  -To inform the people the ‘greatness that is about to dawn’ in India   with  free basics!  What  Non – sense , Smart people like Mark can also go crazy – looks like it’s  not the prerogative of silly people alone anymore  !

India may not the wealthy as per western stds -  but its not poor,  India  may not be  as educated as it wishes to be – but it has always  been  wise and smart.  So FB is here with Free Basic to up lift the masses, good intention. yes , we do agree that internet access is important for social / economic growth.  But one don’t live  by  Basics   alone ! Not at the expense of one's  freedom of choice and surrender to a higher force, nothing short of modern colonisation.  It is  legally designed colonisation of india internet space, wolves in Basic cloth! A new free drug for some time to crate addicts which can be milked in due course. 

To put it  simply -  Facebook lost  face big time in India in the last 10 days !

We can have many solutions, internet access to masses is a must. As Mr Nilkarni and team suggested, why not a direct transfer  to beneficiary using the Aadhar platform. In any case Reliance is a not the ideal partner to offer anything free for long time!  

That brings out  the parallel between Tata Nano  and FB . Tata  - the leading Indian  automobile company came out with A car for the poor and the masses who would not have afforded  the  normal cars. Good intention.  The world Acknowledged the ingenuity of Tatas  which came out with a  car for less than $ 2500, a world  first  at this cost. The world  hailed the  frugal  engineering   and the “world’s cheapest car” from India!  The brilliance  of the product and the acknowledgement from world  blinded the Tata’s from the  actual customer for whom the car was meant.
 So they  announced the  World’s  cheapest  Car – expecting the customers to queue up. What the hell, within a  new  months of launch, there were more cars in showrooms and stockyards than on roads!

Finally  wisdom dawned -  Tata’s  who ‘knew more’ about customer needs than customers – went to customers.
And they said – “ We don’t want to be seen in the  cheap car”  – Eureka !

Now, I leave it for your imagination to see  the parallel story of FB  with Free Basics ; 
Cheers !

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