Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Toyota Practices by a Pressure Cooker maker

Toyota is famous for its excellent business practices, keeping with the ‘Customer First’ philosophy.  These are usually summarized is what is called TBP – Toyota Business Practices.
I happened to come across an excellent article about Prestige pressure cooker (TTK Prestige)  and its handling  of a crisis it faced. Article is from 2018 and is an excellent read. Is attached here for a quick reference.
 Am trilled by the fact that Prestige has practiced most of fundamental values elaborated in TPS.  
A few which struck me are :
1.       Genchi Genbutsu -   go to the actual source and find the facts by talking to customers/ dealers                and ‘experience the facts’.
2.       Find the Root Cause – Identify the single most factor which is causing the event.
3.       Quick action and consensus – Act fast based on priority and involve all relevant  stake holders.
4.       Yokoten -  Share the new method / standard with all stake holders.
One can easily relate to this from the article.
Made me believe that the fundamentals values / process are similar.
I look forward  to comments.
Thank you

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Virus the Movie - another yet to be acknowleged Corona figher

Virus movie came out in 2017, after the Nipah virus attack in Kerala . It had reasonable success.         I feel this movie has  an influence  in Kerala managing the current pandemic.

Its  worth studying the effect of the  movie ‘Virus ‘ in  communicating effectively with the masses about virus and diseases  like this, especially the precautions to be followed.


Art forms are very effective in making social impact even for scientific matters. We have a history of that. This movie is yet to get the due credit for spreading the awareness. 

It’s a doctoral  topic- influence of mass medium in disease control. Hope some one will study it further.