Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Economy & Governance – Post Corona (PC) Era

Looks like in the PC era, more people are going to be conservative in many ways. People are likely to postpone a purchase if not avoid it all together, at least for the immediate future.  We are likely to become more  doubtful and that will delay decisions.  These are the natural behaviors in any uncertain situation. So, Gold may turn golden again as a safe bet; but that is no good!
 Shed Conservatism and Spend our way out.
Such conservatism is counterproductive. Everyone hopes that someone else will spend and that would help the revival of the economy. So how to shed that conservatism and motivate people to loosen their purse strings? While for white goods and many luxury goods, the supply side issues can be addressed rather easily, it’s the demand side issues which need higher focus and attention from the government.  It is not possible for the government to address and manage all the areas.  Government must prioritize life of millions and weaker sections of society. Therefore, there is a responsibility for the ‘economically well-off population’ of the country to shed the natural tendency to be conservative.  It is said that twenty-one days are good enough to acquire new habits, this lockdown would have made us conservative in many ways including spending. So, a conscious behavior change is needed post lockdown. We may have to buy a few things just to support the economy – car, bike, fridge or even a new dress. Government can support such activities with both monitory and fiscal benefits. Government too must shed its conservatism on fiscal deficit.  This is classic Keynesian economic situation, let’s join the government with our might to keep the money flowing- digital or cash, it doesn’t matter now.  Bring it on ………. Let’s spend our way out.
Trust, it can move mountains.
In times like this, we are likely to be more doubtful if not suspicious of all our business interactions with people.  Again, that is not going to help the economy or our social harmony.  Sadly, we don’t see trust being exhibited much these days and that is causing more problems in finding a solution for the Corona virus issue. In business, leaders must go out of the way to ‘Exhibit Trust’ with all the stake holders – be it suppliers, vendor, partners, employees and even government. This will help to get the speed and to minimize cost. That is one way to be efficient - saving time and cost.  Of course, trust, but reserve the right to verify!   Getting the economy out of this lock down is nothing short of a Herculean task, though Hercules never moved any mountains. With mutual trust we can, so be armed.
Build Capacity, the next one is around the corner.
It’s very unlikely that the mankind may face another nuclear war. With the stockpiles we have an accident can’t be ruled out. So governments must relook at their priorities in the  AC era. As warned earlier, health issues can cripple the world as we are experiencing now. National heath is national wealth.  So, what is our long-term Capacity building plan?  How are we going to spend our scarce resources? These questions need answers after thorough analysis. Not just governments, private citizens and business leaders also must think deeper. It’s likely that a pandemic like this will be as certain as our general election. Do we have any institution like Election Commission to deal such a situation? So, it’s time to have PC - Pandemic Commission to prepare ourselves. The last mile delivery of service is a   challenge equally for business and governance. We need to learn from each other’s experience.  In cricketing terms, one should not get bowled around the legs more than once! 
(first posted in Linked in on April 26, 2020)

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