Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The New symbol of Indian Rupee

Finally, we have one , that itself is an achievement.
Its worthy to note that it managed to represent both Indianness and
western notion of st lines by which most of the currencies are represented.

Once we have it in keyboards , it will be rather easy to use.
( exactly the reason why am unable to show it here!)

But I have an issue, pl try to write ( draw?) the symbol on a piece of paper with your pen.
That is how most of the Indians are going to use this symbol.
To me its a bit difficult now ( I may get used to it and improve my skills)

To write a dollar or euro symbol, it happens in just two stokes of pen-
one curve and a st line. But the Indian Ruppe makes you do atleast 3 stokes ( one curve and 2 st lines) and still its not very close to what it actually is.

Imagine the extra time and effort of so many people for so many years to come ?

I wonder if the decision makers have thought about it at all. I wish to believe that they did!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Muslim head scarf

Muslim head Scarf or veil is in news again.
Islam says women should dress ' modestly'- that is all.
It makes no call for veil, scarf, pardh etc.
I think it eolved due the harsh climate of arabian countries - sand storm, heat etc.
Even men wear scarfs in those counties.
But of late , veil has developed to 'protect the women from preying men'.
If this arugument is accepted, its fair for muslim women to wear this in non muslim counties
as they can protect themselves from the non muslim men who may not know to behave.
But in Reality , women in majority muslim countries war veil more and in some countries its a must.
Therefotre, does it relect the charater of men in such socities.
Thus - more women in veil is a reflection of the charater of men in such socities in general !
Now lets decide , we want our women to wear this ?

Friday, July 2, 2010

The question of Kasab

The question of Kasab - the surviving terrorist from 26/11 Mumbai.
Yes, we all know the verdict from the court , but is that the best decision?
A decision to uphold law, justice to victims, counter future terrorism and finally, up hold the image and reputation of India - an
India which offered non violence as a powerful 'weapon' to the world.
Does killing Kasab upholds law? may be yes , the current law. But is that law is perfect? No.
Does killing Kasab brings justice to victims ? not at all to my mind.
Deoes killing Kasab helps us to counter future terror strikes - no
Deoes killing Kasab up holds the Image of India - no
If reality is so, why kill him?
Can he be an instrument to achieve all those objectives? yes only if we spare him from death.
I feel Kasab is an opportunity which India should grab to alter almost everything for a better tomorrow.
Am not advocating that he be left free. punish him ,
but do not kill him. He can deliver better alive than dead.

India will be justified across thee world to kill him after the judicial process. No one will utter a word against.
But then, that is what every country does to such people , so whats different?
We need to demonstrate ' non - violence' in its true spirit to one of the most violent. That will be different and that will alter equations
- of course not immediately, but surely over a period of time.
Kasab be awarded life term - for 14 years , whole life ( we need to amend law, so be it).
Since every guilty has a future, Kasab will also have. If he reforms and repents his past, which I feel can happen,
then he can be an asset which can be useful in many ways. He has a chance to be best ' qualified' person to
speak against terrorism, win hearts and minds of misguided people and what human spirit can really achieve.
If ( big if, I agree) he reaches this level, I wish that India confers citizenship to him.
Unthinkable now, I agree; but who knows the future so well to rule it out.
India as a nation will have to spend a lot of money on Kasab's jail, security and other potential violence.
But I feel that will be small price to pay for truly demonstrating to world what ' non violence' means and what Indian ethos stands for.
I hope some will think over it.