Friday, February 25, 2011

In the Middle east - the Monarchies seems to survive and Presidents do not .............

That is the pattern emerging - Saudi, Jordan, Bahrain , UAE all Kings or Monarchies seems to be surviving .
Luckily they all seems to have some one or a cabinet to dismiss and reappoint some one else.
More than that , they are all declared Monarchies - no one , both citizens and kings ever said they are elected.
So there is no democracy , that is fine , importantly there is no Sham Democracy.

I think that is the issue with Presidents - they are all sham - claim to be elected , but not by majority.
Egypt, Tunisia, Libya etc are projected democracies for last 30/ 40 years with same person as ruler.

This hypocrisy is what people are revolting against; of course there are other issues too.

Are they not justified, they are ..........
but I still worry about the possible outcome with theocratic majority becoming the rulers .

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