Thursday, February 17, 2011

The widening 'Gulf' in the Gulf .............

In Egypt Mr Mubarak is out and the wind has blown over to Libya, Jordan, Bahrain, Iran etc.
What is common every where is the clear gulf between the people and the rulers - its alarming.

Even more alarming is the gulf emerging between the Shia Iran and Sunni rest - Bahrain is a classical case.
Its interesting to see that Hezbollah is propelled by Shia Iran to fight for Sunni causes in Palestine - making inroads.

Most of the Sunni rules are pro West, pro America. But for majority of population its 'evil west' , Iran is fishing in that muddy water.
Some how Iran is able to put down internal dissent with an Iron hand - no Sunni or western power to help the movements.

How all this is going to play out - God only knows. But there is turkey to look up to , I hope that model works for all.

Long live Democracy , the real one, not the might of theocratic majority.

Thank you.

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