Monday, January 31, 2011

Oh God , I fear the ' Potential Solution' more than the current problem.

The current wave of uprising we are witnessing in North Africa , West Asia etc are the biggest after
the communist overthrow in USSR and Eastern Europe. Most of those countries are still unstable.
To top it, we have a new wave originating from Tunisia - how long and how far that will spread , only time can tell.
Yes, the rulers of most of these countries are corrupt and self serving. They lost touch with their people and most are west leaning
and west supported. Due to their 'Rule' or lack of it, the popular base of these countries are taken over by the so called ' militant Islam'
- represented by Islamic Brotherhood. To my understanding their main slogan is ' Islam is the Solution'. this is dangerous for the world as a whole.
Soon we will have 'Sharia law ' being enforced !
Their sympathy and support to established militant and terrorist out fits like Al - queda, Hesbulla etc are well known.
If they gain the control of the countries thro the so called popular uprising, the world is headed for trouble.
Now the west is caught in a dilemma - They have been calling for democracy in these countries and now you have it.
How can you oppose 'people's wish ? But that wish is not good for the world.
Pl note that even Hitler was 'popularly chosen' by people !

The Happy New year 2011 does not look that happy just after a month !

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