Wednesday, April 6, 2011

They cry For Democracy and We cry About Democracy !

That is the pity we Indians face. West Asia and Arab world is still rocking for change , a change to democracy. Now we need one against the blanket corruption that has enveloped and corrupted our civil society unfortunately aided by our liberal democracy. There is so much latent revulsion against the rampant corruption that it has been waiting for an enlightened soul to ignite the fire. I think and hope that the efforts by Mr Anna Hazare will resonate with people at large. The magnitude of corruption in India and the overall success of people's revolutions across the world are helpful factors to impart ' Escape Velocity' to this propulsion to break free. Some more respectable social activists, bollywood ( Aamir has already joined) , Sports personalities, Artists etc can help it to really make it a peoples movement- not to be hijacked by vested interests. This movement need to rock the ' Temple of our Democracy ' - the Parliament which is nothing but a Den of thieves ' except a few occupants. I hope and wish that Mr Anna Hazare succeeds and his success is a must for the success of India. Govt and politicians have a respond and respond fast for an acceptable Lok Pal bill. 'Thieves alone can't be allowed to decide on the punishment for 'Theft' Thank you.

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