Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Peoples’ Democracy……..

It’s heartening to note and see the maturing of our Democracy. The wisdom and grace shown by Mr Anna Hazare team and the Govt in resolving the issue augurs well for our ‘young’ democracy – a sort of coming of age ! It can’t be and should not be seen thro the narrow spectrum (though spectrum is one of the causes for the whole issue!) as a victory of one over the other. Media uses phrases like ‘the Govt blinked’ – its irresponsible. The whole event, however shows how, far removed are our ‘netas’ from people. It is similar to what happens in big companies. The ones at the top and responsible positions have no idea of ground realities of customers nor their changing preferences. Political systems also throws up such situations- the current one is an example. Will the Lak pal or Jan Lok Pal eliminate corruption? No one is novice even to think in those terms. But if it helps to ‘instill a sense of fear ‘ on the corrupt – then it has done its job. No, we have or no one should have any intention of undermining the supremacy of our Parliament. In our democratic system, Parliament is sovereign and supreme law making body. Nothing can be above the will of Parliament. However, in practice Parliament has become ‘ self serving’ and hence agitations and Satygrahas like the one we see today. Make no mistake, no one is advocating anything above Parliament/ judicial review. Also, we need to ensure that in this euphoria, we do not end up creating another ‘ Frankenstein Monster’ - A Lokpal which is law by itself ! To bring more accountability and to ensure that law takes its course with out hindrance, we need to limit to 10 yrs/ 2 terms constitutional position of individuals. This is nothing new, most of the established democracies have such limits on individuals’ ‘ability to manage’ Finally, am thrilled that in the current world of ‘ Absolute violence’ a non violent means like Satyagraha has delivered and delivered in abundance! On a lighter note, we need to thank the Rajs, Kalmadi s and Thomases for making this happen. Even the darkest night is followed by light at Sunrise ! Jai ho …………….. Thanks Tony Augustine.

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