Monday, May 9, 2011

Osama is gone and Obama reigns

............ and that is what we all are made to believe. Hopefully right !
The difference between the Os is only SB - you may expand this acronym as you like .
As an Indian, I feel we would have been better off with Osama alive, not that I like him
but he being at large would have kept US busy looking for him and keeping the pedal
on Pak. Our cries to US about Pak harbouring people India want will fall on less sympathetic eras now.
US is going to turn around and say " Boy look, be realistic, we wanted Osama for 10 yrs and spend over 3 trillion
and 'our partner in fight 'kept him and fed him with money we gave to find him. Fight your war on your own, if you
don't have to muscle, am sorry". Dawood, Mazood etc are our issues to be dealt with , not US issues. So they
can all breathe easy.

Now the infamous ISI. This acronym should be expanded as Inter Service Involvement.
If they did not know that Osama was there in their chiefs Bed room, then they are inept to the core.
If they knew ( as the world thinks) then they are Involved and partners in crime across the globe.
Either way they have discredited themselves.
Now I wonder how long the US will keep playing the double game. Almost all in US military know that
ISI is the chief patron of terror, but will not admit it openly and challenge it. Its nothing short of a
self defeating policy. Digging own grave, go on till another 9/11 sorry 9/12 happens.
Coming to the 'terror info gold mine' recovered from the Mansion at Allottabad - I think that holds
the key to nailing ISI if US so wishes. But the on going war in Afganistan and Paks willingness
to tilt to China makes this choice very difficult. I feel a Us dependant Pak is better for India than
a China tilting Pak. Need to Appreciate pak for their ability to really manage this complex puzzle.
Pak has an interest to keep the terror issue alive. The Pak army sacrificing their citizens to keep
the money tap from US open. In a TV visual I happen to see Lt Gen Hamid Gul in his house- A house
its almost looked like a palace with very possible sophistication. How he managed so much just by being
military person. There are other sources - opium to onion ! He has been one of the most rabid chiefs of ISI.
For India, Pak is a 'neighbour reality'. Lahore and Islamabad are closer to Delhi than Chennai, Bangalore and
may be Mumbai. So we need to act knowing that. Although the purpose of every war is peace, that is not
ging to happen in India , Pak case.

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