Monday, August 8, 2011

London Riots

The soft underbelly of the ' Developed nations' are getting exposed.
We can possibly brush of the latest events in and around London as criminal acts of small groups.
But the leaders do not seems to understand that it has a pattern and its taking routes - we had Paris a few months back.
Unemployment, under employment and the simmering financial troubles faced are all contributing factors.
As of now , the rising 'smoke' is mostly black and coloured. If the 'white smoke ' starts erupting as happened in
Oslo, we are in for bigger trouble.
The unhindered run of Capitalism has made the gulf between the rich and poor ever more wider.
Many a policy makers are getting more influenced by the 'rich and famous' who are close to them
at the cost of general public and share the spoils. This is a malice which is not restricted to developed world. Almost all
our scams have its origin here.
The west has been advocating regime changes in Arab world and hailed the Arab Spring.
Now what do they wish to label the happening in West ?
Tony Augustine

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