Sunday, August 21, 2011

There is time for Tactical withdrawal even in a war and is now for Team Anna.

Anna and Team Anna has been able to bring the issue of corruption to the nations center stage and that itself is unprecedented
and great service to the nation. Now that they have done it, and the elected govt, however bad it may be, has promised to act on it.
Therefore, its time for Team Anna to withdraw - its a tactical withdrawal which can help the govt and others in charge
to think and act. Making anybody , let alone the govt, to act at 'gun point' and threat of anarchy is no Gandhian way.
Any further push can lead to 'the other side' taking up issues in similar fashion and that will surely lead to more
problems for the nation. The notion that if one is not supporting Anna , he is for corruption is shear non sense.
Corruption from bottom to top is a major issue for the nation and the ones at the bottom affects the common man mostly.
Therefore, I just wish that Team Anna moves to the RTO, Police, Revenue offices across the country.
They probably can help stop the corruption there and that in my mind will be a practical and useful method
to help the common man.

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