Saturday, June 15, 2013

Who Says History do not Repeat

With the proof of Chemical weapons usage ( Red line set by President Obama) , America is preparing to arm

the rebels in Syria against the govt of Assad. The arms has to be delivered thro Turkey and therefore America

would need the support of the Islamist govt in Turkey and its hardcore PM Erdogan. (He can breathe easy against the current popular uprising.)

This is 2013.

Now look back to the 1980s.

Russians invade Afganistan and America wants to drive them out.

Rebels with Islamist roots - Muhajadens- are formed and they need to be armed.

America takes the help of Zia ul Haq of Pakistan and he radicalizes the society

to serve his needs and that matched with Americas short term goals.

The parallels can't be missed. Syria = Afganistan, Turkey = Pakistan, Erdogen = Zia

The outcome of the '80s activities is far too clear now.

America need to know that Turkey is much closer to Europe , geographically atleast !

A repeat of this history in 2030s will be .............................

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