Friday, December 13, 2013

Possibilities of the impossibles !

PossibilitiesPossibilities of the 'impossibles' in Indian politics.(musings from the chill of Jammu , dec 14, 2013)

Am sure people who read following will brand me crazy, but still  I do see possibilities of these happening.

In the recent assembly elections, the congress got beaten and the overall signs are that in the general election in 2014, the story will not be much different. BJP in its eagerness to gain power has not lef any stone unturned. All these have led to a higher 'hate quotient' in the society and I strongly feel that it's reaching dangerous proposition. So it's the responsibility  of all political parties, especially the ruling one to really apply balm and calm things down. In this context I have following thoughts!

1. Congress should opt out of next general election. In any case their chances of returning to power is very bleak. I do agree that is no reason to opt out, no political party can such fear of losing. The very purpose of a political out fit is gain power and legitimacy to rule through democratic means, opting out of politics will go against that. However there is a place and time for such radical actions and I feel now is the time. Many people may refi clue the party for doing so, but that is the price one should be prepared to pay. Let's do it now and prepare for 2019! Also congress has to make clear that they will not be in power for next 5 years and all those who wish to go out can do so. And party will issue an NOC for all such pele. If this leads to a vast majority of power thirsty leaving, that is good for the party. Let's build it afresh as Gandhiji planned in 1947, too hard to digest and even harder to propagate!
2. Now that congress has opted out, Modi should be in a position to gain power with a tally of over 350 seats. That is the hope by which 'Nagpur' has projected him. With that kind of achievement, the PM post is his and no one can fault him for taking up the job.  But I do see a twist emerging. Modi will do a Gandhiji or more clearly a Soniaji act- an act of opting out of PM post. Having brought the party to power on its on, Modi makes way for an Advani, Chowhan etc to the PM. Impossible to think, but a reality likely to happen. Please remember the words of Subhash Chandra Bose ' India is a strange land, people are loved for not having power, but for giving up power' !
3. With so much happening around, can we rule out the possibility of Rahul Gandhi joining AAP as an apprentice to know gross root politics ? If you can beat gem, join them ..... That is an age old policy, congress can very well do it and lean a few lessons in politics and public life.

Crazy, crazy, but rule it out at your own peril!

Now the real politics-  BJP will get close to 200 -220 seats. To gain power and allys, they may have to sacrifice Modi for someone else, mostly Advaniji. That is the deal RSS made with both Modi and Advani. So Advani is hoping that party gets only 220 and Modi is working for a min of 250! With out Modi as the front end even200 is difficult. Will be interesting to see how this will play out. Till then let's wait!  Bye. 

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