Sunday, June 7, 2020

Nature of the government and Covid response- Is there a pattern? Hard to decipher ?

Nature of the ruling government and the response to Covid pandemic, is there a pattern?
Patterns are critical for developing effective response. Agree that its too early to call, but can we explore/ extrapolate to see some early patterns. I don’t claim any perfection in this analysis, may get accused of biases, ….. that is ok.

Aim is to make us think in these lines differently to see if there are any pattern for us to understand and respond accordingly for common good. We need to work to get this under control. Each location/ state /country has its unique features, an overall understanding is taken. If it helps us to explore further and get to know better, am glad.

Request comments/ observation……. and corrections. Thank a lot for your time.


  1. I think its the SARS experience that has helped the countries that have managed Covid better...Chinese style regimes are efficient at managing at a heavy human cost...more than regimes its the reasonable attitude of people to comply with rules at the expense of personal freedom..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Deceitful interpretation. How is Maharashtra Govt. Right of centre comprising Cong and NCP. Why TN, Delhi and Rajasthan have been left out and MP included?
    How Kerala with 100 cases per day in a population of 3.6 cr. faring better than UP with 400 cases a day in a population of 23 cr.?
    The conclusion, i can pick and chose to contrive data to suit my theory.

    1. Kerala's cases are mostly from expats n nonresidents Returnees... Within the state, the cases are contained exceptionally well.... If we refer data upto May08, we will realize that... Cases doubling time was 347 days... That explains it... One of the highest in the world. But, to argue one can always... No Problem! 🙏

  4. This is an interesting study.From the US Covid fight,we can say, if all other things are equal, Govt attitudes and actions can greatly influence Corona fights. S Korea and US reported first Corona cases almost the same time. But after three months, the end results are miles apart between those two countries , in terms of total number of cases and fatality. It will be interesting to see how the following factors influence the overall fight.
    1) Healthcare Infrastructure
    2)Social awareness and responses
    3)Efficiency and effectiveness of Medical department
    4) The leadership of the Govt

  5. Extreme humility, highly evolved social structure connected with the grassroots, agility in decision making based on inputs from the professionals and decentralized governing structure is the common denominator for such success stories.
    Highly centralized systems have tumbled so far.

    Appalling to see the arrogance of aspiring middle class and the governing class towards the exodus of lakhs of poor migrant labourers.Compassion and empathy have been replaced by self boast in today's India.
