Thursday, May 7, 2020

The new normal , The abnormal !

The new normal ,  The abnormal
                         – what if ?

The pandemic is a first to all of us. There is no guarantee that it’s the last, but we can hope.
So, we are forced into a ‘New normal called Abnormal’ by this invisible virus- Covid - 19.
If we have so much trouble dealing with such a situation caused by this micro creature,
             What if:         
1.      The gravitational force changes
2.      The Sun fails to rise/set
3.      The Earth rotation speed changes
4.      The atmospheric pressure changes
5.      The plants and animals start talking to us
6.      ……..
7.      …………..
Now these are impossible to most of us.
So was shutting down everything for 40 days just about 50 days back.
Much less can do much more ……….
Am not sure about tmrw, Are you ?
Picture Bahut Baki hai ……………… 
The new normal  is Abnormal,  you bet!


  1. Our generation truly has seen so many upheavals - computers, internet, free services like Maps, Google - and now we have to go through the downside as well. Maybe a warning to curb our unbridled individuality - "Eating bats is my birthright, and I shall have it" and all that - but the price can be very high.

    Definitely the way we look at things, and what we value, will change. Instead of divisiveness - via politics, religion, race etc - there is a kind of unity today. Somewhat like Humanity v/s the Virus. Hopefully there will be something good at the end of it all, in the new normal.

  2. A more humane, environment friendly world would be ideal. lets hope wisdom dawns. thanks Jinesh for ur comments.

  3. Yes...gradually people started to realise the meaning of life... Money, power, the man made facilities etc can't guarantee a better life...good relationships, strong and understanding family, social responsibility, humility and humanity - all these have much more importance in the modern life... covid-19 really changed my perception about life...

  4. I believe that for many people, who were busy trying to be busy.....they received a gift from the universe...which is called 'TIME'. The question is...what do you do with the time now? Worry and complain about things you can't influence? Spend time on things outside your circle of influence? Do you fall back into the trap of trying to be busy again? Well....for all the busy and less busy people at the moment...I would suggest one thing.....Use the time WELL...because this is the chance to enjoy things you didn't TAKE time for before.....use the time well...because I am confident that if you use it well and show a bit of self discipline to learn, fine-tune skills, read, explore, train, can give you a real kick start for the moment the crisis is over....and you will become even more successful in life and business. From 0 to well are you using your time now?
