Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mystery Stomach Ache and more mysterious cause/remedy ! ( My story, medical!)

Its almost a year since this happened. To mark first anniv am posting this ( 15/12/2010)

12/15/2009 09:49 AM

Current status:
Colgate has contacted me.
They are sending me replacement tooth brush ( !) + a few more ........
also they are collecting the ' Hero Brush' from me for further investigation.
So my prediction of Colgate a 'weight reducing tooth brush' is progressing !
How to claim the patent for the idea is the issue now for me !
Am getting better ..............
I have been suffering from upset stomach and diarrhea for almost 3 weeks. ( lost 5 Kgs!)
Initially for a week I ignored it and finally I approached my doctor.
He could not really identify anything but said it looks like 'non infectious diarrhea similar to IBS'.
Suggested Naturolax power basically to' harden things'!.
It did the ' work' and passing motion became difficult. But my problems continued and I stopped the medicine for a day.
Immediately I went back to my ' old ways' of diarrhea, headache and abdominal pain and weakness.
Ever since these started , I stopped eating from outside and still I continued to have the problems and no one else at home have any issue including my kids.
I still could not understand the cause............ Mystery !
All these issues were happening parallel to another thing I did.
I bought a new tooth brush ( Colgate) about 3/4 weeks back which has soft ( Rubber?) padding so that the hard parts do not hurt the gum. ( I guess)
Almost for last 2/3 weeks, I have noticed some black/ brown spots on the soft padding of the brush and I just washed ( brushed aside!) it and continued to use it.
All thro my stomach trouble I have been using this brush & only I have such a brush at home. ( only I use my brush !!)
Finally it dawned on me that the brush and those spots could be a cause of my problems.
I stopped using that brush ( still brush !) for last 3/ 4 days and am almost back to normal - this time the normal I was a month back !
I think there was/is some fungal growth on the soft padding of the brush and it has been getting into my food/ stomach causing the mess I have been in.
I doubt if any doctor can ever investigate on these lines and cure be suggested.
I am writing this to bring the issue out in open for doctors and patients and the tooth brush manufacture's to correct this.
This is my story , I have no scientific proof other than my experience, I hope am not concluding too early !!
Am glad ( !) that I lost 5 Kg and more close to my BMI !
Why go to gym or play and VLCC may go out of business when you can have brushes like this !
But its been horrible 2/3 weeks. Don't ever use such brushes.
I have written to Colgate, lets see if they have something to say/ do.
They may 'utilise/improve' this and come out with a " weight reduction Brush" !!

Tony Augustine

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Thrill, pain and hopeful Deliverance of Tata nano

Am sharing a few communication I had with top mgt of Tatamotos at different times in the past 2 yrs. Context the current slump in the sales of Nano - from 8000 nos to 300 in Nov 20101.

Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 15:10:28 +0530
Subject: Many Congrats - nano can be a KAR
To: Mr. Ravi Kant, MD Tata Motors
Dear Respected Sir,
Many many congrats to you and your team for making 'nano' a reality.
As an Indian and more as a former employee of Tata Motors , I feel
extremely proud of this unparalleled achievement.
I saw nano, sat in it, and it felt great.
It should be a KAR not a just a CAR.
Its time that India/ Indians own and offer a product category to the
world in automobiles.I feel Tata Motors, thro' nano can do that for India.

Marketing nano as a KAR will help India and Tata Motors to create and
own a product category which will be different from a conventional car.

This need to done especially in developed and other foreign countries.
This may not have much relevance to us India as a good percentage of nano
buyers will be looking for a car, nothing else.
Kar is just a name - it can be any other appropriate name - but need to
identify as a new category.
Thank you sir for your time .
With Kind Regards,
Daer Ramki, ( 4 Dec 2010)
KAR is parallel to Scooty - not a scooter, not a bike.
KAR as a category will help attract customers fron 2 wheeler
who in my mind sees nano as a poor man's car to which he is not aspiring.
Car is an aspirational product and that can come thro' a new category creation with
a new postioning.
Tahnks again.
best reagrds

Subject: RE: Nano - way forward - an outsiders' comments.
Thanks a lot Tony, for the ideas and the concern. Really appreciate it. Regards, Ramki On 12/02/10 10:48 PM, Tony Augustine wrote: -------------------- Dear Ramki, Greetings. I am reading too many things about Nano and am offering some unsolicited comments. Please don't mistake me, am not advising. Just some observations which may help. Just delete if its of no use . Am a Nano owner and my parents use it and are very happy. Am a curiosity buyer and there are many who bought like that. That market is getting over and that may explain the current drop in numbers and for some reason the real customers have not come into play from semi urban and rural areas. To my mind Semi urban and rural customers ape what happens in the city if its affordable to them. Therefore, to capture rural market , some good visibility in cities is a must. Now how can we make that happen. Curiosity buyers in cities are almost over. Therefore , we have to find a segment that sees merit in this product, but runs in cities. At the risk of displeasing many at TM, may I suggest that you target the autorickshaw segment as a premium auto. ( am sure this would have been atleast discussed and dropped for a variety of reasons. That is natural but breaking that mind set is the key for numbers) I heard that Gurgoan have started 'call auto ' similar to call taxi. You may explore. This will give the much needed visibility which is key to tap rural/ semi urban market where we should be getting real retail customers. I suggest, to kick start, buy out 50 autos from each mkt and replace them with Nano in 6/8 key cities and them support that from background. ( RTO appvls?) Shift focus to 30/40 key semi urban areas after one month of putting these nanos in city roads. TM dealers may tie up with a few 2 wheeler dealers in these areas if TM lacks distribution. Ramki, it may sound stupid and silly of me to write, but I just had to. I hope it helps. Thanks for your time for reading it. Best wishes Tony Augustine

Monday, November 8, 2010

Jai Ho .......... India at UNSC !

The Might of the Singh, Yes, Yes am referring to our PM Dr Manmohan Singh.
I think more than any other person , PM is the biggest winner - winner for India , from President Obama's visit.
His comments in that joint press conference, both on Pakistan and Outsourcing - the two main issues-
were outstanding and he put his stamp of authority and firmness directly to the person who matters most
on these issues.
I really doubt if Advani would have done it so forcefully and gracefully. Will Advani still call him 'weak'?
For once, pl accept that Dr. MN is a Sardar ! Another Sardar ( Harbajan Singh) saved India at Ahmedbad!
The UNSC endorsement by US has not happened all on a sudden - the seeds were sawed by Dr. MN
when the liberalization started under Mr Narasimha Rao. If we credit MN for it, he credits Rao for it.
I doubt if India has fully recognized the services of Mr Rao to this nation.
So, its the economic might of India which helped us to gain this UNSC endorsement from US.
Its was started by MN and now MN has played the political cards well for a support for UNSC and membership
at NSG. Well done , MN.
We should credit Congress party an its chief for giving MN a free hand to drive India.
Jai Ho ........ India.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Missing opportunities for India

It was a matter of relief that the US has reaffirmed its commitments to India in the recently concluded strategic dialogue. ( 6/8/10)
It also indirectly hinted support for India as and when the UN security council is expanded. Relief indeed !
Yes, it is well known fact that India has the willingness and potential to act in a bigger world stage.
But to do that with courage, acceptability and moral fortitude , we need to bring peace in our neighborhood.
India can't attempt to take up issues of third countries or solve their issues when we can't solve our own issues.
A case in point is the recent assertions by Turkey while concluding a deal along with Brazil for Iran.
Forget the final outcome of such deal, but Turkey and Brazil showed the world that issues can be addressed without the
presence of the so called world powers. These two countries , especially Turkey settled almost all its outstanding issues in the
recent past - Cyprus, Armenia etc and thus got itself 'liberated' from the uncertainties of neighborhood and gained acceptability.
If India wish to play in the world stage , we need to get liberated from our Pakistan and China centered world.
All our energy and creativity are being consumed here and we miss many an opportunity to be a world leader.
Therefore, I hope the govt initiates steps to resolve all our issues in the neighborhood and let the country take
its due place in the galaxy of nations. This strategic dialogue may be a right step but we need more in our neighborhood.
Now Obama has put Kashmir resolution as a pre condition for UNSC seat. We may object, but that is the reality. (28/9/10)
Thank you.

Two sides of the same Coin

The 'Fringe ' elements in Indian right wing and the so called 'Rouge elements or Non state actors' in Pakistan form the two sides of this coin.
Both are aided and protected by their main sponsors ( we all know who they are ) to do things which they can't do openly.
Both guide them and direct them for their ill motives while openly blaming them and expressing inability to control them !
The only difference being the Indian fringe is focussed within India to divide the country and Pak rouge is focussed outside , read India !
This shadow boxing is the main game that is happening in this subcontinent.
Who will bell these idiots?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Being Rahul ..... Rahul Gandhi

" PM post is not the only job in the world" Rahul Gandhi Sept 14, 2010.
He is more like a mother's son rather than a father's son.
Father accepted PM post at the first opportunity ( trying circumstances, agree) and mother declined it many a times.
Son seems to follow mother ............
Mother has gained both power and respect by renunciation.
Rahul is proving that right.
He may never accept the PM post, but will surely take control of the party - the other job he likes to take up !
That will be good for him and Congress party.
To be the ruler with out ruling is a rare privilege !

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Fight on Outsourcing - Outdated !

President Obama does not want any more American jobs to be 'Bangalored'
Good intention and as president of America, he as a right and obligation to take care of Americans.
In a recent speech ( Aug 4/5), he has vowed to protect all jobs originating from 'clear energy efforts'.
He has offered tax sops to companies who created jobs in America and I feel that will get
challenged in WTO. Lets see.

To my mind, its a vicious cycle originating from a conflict of interest between a consumer and the provider.
As a consumer, he / she should get best value for her money , Dollar.
As President , I feel Obama has an obligation to ensure that too.
In a globalised world, An American consumer is unlikely to get best value for the dollar
if the good or service is provided by an American. But the president wants the provider
to be American.
Even this American when he goes to shop will buy an item which is manufactured outside
as that gives better value for his Dollar. Tax sops can bridge the value gap a bit, that is all.
So where is the end to this cycle.
I feel , Most of Americans have got into a habit of ' living beyond their means'.
That need to change and lot of things will fall in place once that happens.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Kashmir - The Lost Paradise:

Currently ( Aug 4, 2010) Kashmir is in a mess, to say the least.
I think most of the Kashmiris are thinking in the same frame of mind as most of the Indians
thought of British rule of our land in 1930s,40s.. They are almost moving to civil disobedience - where even ' shoot at sight' orders are being challenged.
Each town is turning out to be a Jalianwallabagh !
The body has internal bleeding and blood is coming out thro' the mouth.
Keeping or forcing the mouth shut do not stop the bleeding !
How long can one live with an 'unwilling ' wife under the same roof?
I may sound unpatriotic to some. I am not ( pl don't issue a certificate!) and that is why I write this .

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The New symbol of Indian Rupee

Finally, we have one , that itself is an achievement.
Its worthy to note that it managed to represent both Indianness and
western notion of st lines by which most of the currencies are represented.

Once we have it in keyboards , it will be rather easy to use.
( exactly the reason why am unable to show it here!)

But I have an issue, pl try to write ( draw?) the symbol on a piece of paper with your pen.
That is how most of the Indians are going to use this symbol.
To me its a bit difficult now ( I may get used to it and improve my skills)

To write a dollar or euro symbol, it happens in just two stokes of pen-
one curve and a st line. But the Indian Ruppe makes you do atleast 3 stokes ( one curve and 2 st lines) and still its not very close to what it actually is.

Imagine the extra time and effort of so many people for so many years to come ?

I wonder if the decision makers have thought about it at all. I wish to believe that they did!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Muslim head scarf

Muslim head Scarf or veil is in news again.
Islam says women should dress ' modestly'- that is all.
It makes no call for veil, scarf, pardh etc.
I think it eolved due the harsh climate of arabian countries - sand storm, heat etc.
Even men wear scarfs in those counties.
But of late , veil has developed to 'protect the women from preying men'.
If this arugument is accepted, its fair for muslim women to wear this in non muslim counties
as they can protect themselves from the non muslim men who may not know to behave.
But in Reality , women in majority muslim countries war veil more and in some countries its a must.
Therefotre, does it relect the charater of men in such socities.
Thus - more women in veil is a reflection of the charater of men in such socities in general !
Now lets decide , we want our women to wear this ?

Friday, July 2, 2010

The question of Kasab

The question of Kasab - the surviving terrorist from 26/11 Mumbai.
Yes, we all know the verdict from the court , but is that the best decision?
A decision to uphold law, justice to victims, counter future terrorism and finally, up hold the image and reputation of India - an
India which offered non violence as a powerful 'weapon' to the world.
Does killing Kasab upholds law? may be yes , the current law. But is that law is perfect? No.
Does killing Kasab brings justice to victims ? not at all to my mind.
Deoes killing Kasab helps us to counter future terror strikes - no
Deoes killing Kasab up holds the Image of India - no
If reality is so, why kill him?
Can he be an instrument to achieve all those objectives? yes only if we spare him from death.
I feel Kasab is an opportunity which India should grab to alter almost everything for a better tomorrow.
Am not advocating that he be left free. punish him ,
but do not kill him. He can deliver better alive than dead.

India will be justified across thee world to kill him after the judicial process. No one will utter a word against.
But then, that is what every country does to such people , so whats different?
We need to demonstrate ' non - violence' in its true spirit to one of the most violent. That will be different and that will alter equations
- of course not immediately, but surely over a period of time.
Kasab be awarded life term - for 14 years , whole life ( we need to amend law, so be it).
Since every guilty has a future, Kasab will also have. If he reforms and repents his past, which I feel can happen,
then he can be an asset which can be useful in many ways. He has a chance to be best ' qualified' person to
speak against terrorism, win hearts and minds of misguided people and what human spirit can really achieve.
If ( big if, I agree) he reaches this level, I wish that India confers citizenship to him.
Unthinkable now, I agree; but who knows the future so well to rule it out.
India as a nation will have to spend a lot of money on Kasab's jail, security and other potential violence.
But I feel that will be small price to pay for truly demonstrating to world what ' non violence' means and what Indian ethos stands for.
I hope some will think over it.